Speed Bumps

A speed bump is a hump placed in your path to slow you down. If it wasn’t there, you could do as you please; going faster than you should, becoming a danger to others around you.

Pride is one of these bumps. It prevents you from advancing too fast. Pride goes before a fall, causing you to stumble. Hidden pride will make you into a false prophet. Purge it out, repent! Look ahead to Your Maker and His Plans. Although pride can fuel terrible consequences, it is just a bump in the road.

(1Timothy 3:6)

Don’t send a novice out to teach lest conceit will overtake him and he will fall into the same condemnation as the devil. It’s something we go through as we mature in Christ.

There are many speed bumps in life. Tackle them one at a time. Overcome them. Don’t let them set. Remember, Lucifer was already in heaven, the most perfect one. Where is he now?

Get over it!!

(2 Peter 3:10-14)

(Jude 5,6)

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Integer dapibus gravida bibendum. Maecenas condimentum semper ligula, et ornare odio tincidunt at. Integer metus dui, scelerisque ut condimentum ac, mollis ac odio. Phasellus non varius metus. Nam et sapien in sapien lobortis luctus et ac risus. Donec eget sapien ipsum, in condimentum nisl. Integer sodales mollis felis eget elementum. Nullam ut augue lectus, a imperdiet leo. Etiam laoreet ornare aliquam.

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