Laying of Hands and Anointing the Sick
We believe in the laying on of hands and anointing the sick on the head in the Name of the Lord and that prayer of faith shall save the person – James 5:14-16; Mark 16:17-18. But we do not use any other methods which are not according to Bible teaching such as sanctification of water for the sick to drink, or to perform special washing for the sick in the flowing river, the use of robe or garment, or to carry a small stick in the form of a cross ones person or the use of candles and such things. They are not Biblical. The order of our Lord is that we should heal the sick free of charge – Matthew 10:8. We do not receive money or charge money before we offer prayer for anybody. All those using the above materials for healing shall perish with them – Mark 16:18; James 5:14; Matthew 10:7-8; Mark 6:13.