Members of House on the Rock Chapel were blessed with a guest speaker: Pastor Denzel Fenn on Sunday, June 8, 2014. The 78 year old retired pastor has over 55 years of experience in ministry. Upon retirement he decided that he didn’t want to play golf every day but desired to continue making a difference in the world. He isn’t backed by a church but continues serving God by taking care of His children in Cambodia.
Denzel Fenn Ministries has three missions: The Women’s Centre, Kambour Village and the David Centre.
The Women’s Centre rescues girls from the sex trade and helps to gain life skills and job opportunities. They get training in seamstress trade or cosmetology.
Fenn said the average age of the girls in the sex trade in Cambodia is thirteen. He said that by twenty they are used up and just discarded. They have nowhere to go. Hopeless.
His ministry is devoted to helping the girls and giving them hope and options for the future. Denzel Fenn Ministries is partnered with TransformAsia and ACOP (Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada) the brochure states their mission is “to rescue and restore these girls and introduce them to Christ.”
“We can’t save everybody but we can save some,” said Fenn.
Kambour Village works on preventing the exploitation of close to 300 children by helping to feed and care for them.
He said his ministry required about $7,000.00 a month. One day a friend running an orphanage in Cambodia that cares for 60 children called Fenn saying he just couldn’t do it – he didn’t have the money. Fenn said that something inside him told him to tell his friend that Fenn would cover the costs. After committing himself Fenn realized he should find out how much money was needed – $3,000.00/month. Fenn didn’t know where the money was going to come from. At the end of the month when he was doing him finances he discovered a donation from a woman he didn’t know, from a town he never heard of in Saskatchewan. Want to guess the amount? You got it, $3,000.00. Fenn felt God told him that if he would keep trusting Him the money would always be there to cover the costs. God is faithful.
Pastor Lucky Braimoh has promised that 10 per cent of all the proceeds from the ROC Charity Shop will go to Denzel Fenn Ministries.
Fenn read from Luke 10:30-37, the story of the good Samaritan. He said this a story about a wounded man. He said if you look around you will find lots of wounded people, emotionally, etc. It is also the story of the uninvolved. The priest passed the wounded man by. The Levite (someone who studies scriptures) passed the wounded man by. It is also, Fenn said, the story of a healer – the good Samaritan. Samaritans were reviled and looked down upon by the Jewish people. The good Samaritan is a symbol of Jesus Christ but he is also a symbol of us, states Fenn, quoting John 20:21 “So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to You! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”
Fenn preached that if we are going to help, then we need the four C’s: Compassion, Contact, Care, and Cost.
Compassion: is sympathy with action, a willingness to do something (Luke 10:33). You have to look up and decide not to be selfish;
Contact: YOU have to go where the wounded are, they won’t come to you (Luke 10:33-34);
Care: The healer took care of the wounded (Luke 10:34-35); and
Cost: Fenn warns that there is always a cost to helping. The Good Samaritan had to walk while the wounded man rode the Samaritan’s donkey, it financially cost the Samaritan money (two days wages and a promise to pay whatever more was needed). And it cost the Samaritan time – he was going somewhere too (Luke 10:35).
What are you doing with the Spirit of the Lord upon you?
Article by Seona MacRae